Bishop's Message
The name of God is love, and to witness that love of God is not easy for we are sent to people who do not know God, people who are always spiritually grumbling, people who are not of my tribe, neither my blood brothers nor sisters. Therefore, we are sent like prophets. Prophet Ezekiel tells us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and that is also what we read from the Gospel of (John 10:11-13) that the Good Shepherd knows his sheep.
Pentecost is special days as we celebrate the day that the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit. As we celebrate the gifts of the Holy Spirit, let us pray God the Holy Spirit to stay with us and always to guide us in our journey to God’s Kingdom. Let us also know that as we receive the Holy Spirit we are obliged to do our apostolate as St. Peter was told “do you love me more than others? His response was “Yes Lord, you know everything, you know that I love you” Jesus told him, “feed my lambs” (John 21: 15-17) this is an obligation for every Christian who is baptized and confirmed. My beloved, I wish you God’s blessings during the celebration of this feast and encourage you to show your faith in your life style and in your actions, by the Holy Spirit to uphold justice and righteousness.
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